Statement From The Secretariat Of The Global Pan-African Movement In Solidarity With The People And Government Of Cuba
The Global Pan African Movement condemns the Illegal Blockade, the imposition of Coercive Sanctions, and the Listing and Labelling Disinformation Tactics employed by the United States against and the Cuban People and their government.
The Global Pan African Movement stands in solidarity with the People and Government of Cuba demanding the immediate removal of Cuba from the US Government’s politically determined systematically concocted, biased and unjustified list of countries that the US government unilaterally decrees support terrorism’!
In conjunction with this we call out to global Pan African family along with progressive, justice and peace loving members of the international community of nations and peoples, to mobilize and join together in a sustained voice demanding the unconditional lifting of the illegal, coercive and inhumane blockade against the people and government of Cuba by the United States of America.
On May 15th, 2024, the Secretary of State of the government of the United States of America announced that he had removed Cuba from a list of countries that, according to the United States, “do not fully cooperate in the fight against terrorism.” We note with emphasis that this pronouncement and the ‘decision’ itself, by the Secretary of State is meaningless twaddle, political double speak in an attempt to camouflage US hegemonic skulduggery in the Caribbean and against the Cuban state.
Said US State Department lists are unilaterally drawn up annually by the US Secretary of State. It is done so within the context of furthering the United States government’s foreign and defence policy aims in respect of which countries’ policies and disposition the USA determines are directly adversarial or not aligned with what the United States of America declares to be its global national interests.
The pronouncement made as if it were a concession gifted to Cuba from the supreme indispensible state sitting on high in Washington DC. When in fact the decision and its announcement are devoid of even one iota of intent for alleviating the suffering and hardships imposed upon the Cuban people by US government’s ‘Destabilization via Economic Hardship, Regime/Ideology Change Policy’ nor brining to an end the illegal US blockade and associative listing and labelling disinformation tactics. The decision does not mean the exclusion or removal of Cuba from the US government’s list of nations that allegedly sponsor terrorism, nor the halt penalties associated with being placed on such a list by the US government.
The inclusion of Cuba in the aforementioned list violates the sovereign rights of the Cuban people. It is purposely structured, in line with US policy to make it difficult for the Cuban government to exercise freely those sovereign rights and conduct transactions using international banking and communications system.
This coercive and illegal practice severely and negatively affects the standard and quality of life of the people of Cuba. It hinders the Cuban people’s ability to access international markets and engage freely in trade and commerce to acquire essential goods and services necessary for sustaining their livelihoods as well as their social progress and overall wellbeing.
We therefore without equivocation call for the immediate removal of the Caribbean nation of Cuba from the list of countries that the United States of America alleges are state sponsors terrorism.
During the presidency of Mr Obama in 2015, Cuba was briefly removed from said list. However in January of 2021 under the presidency of Mr Trump Cuba was re-designated as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’.
This status has remained in place under the presidency of Mr Biden despite Bidden having been Vice President in the Obama administration.
The Secretariat of the Global Pan-African Movement remains critically aware that the unilateral and illegal imposition of coercive sanctions and punitive blockade against Cuba as well as other nations such as Venezuela, Nicaragua and Zimbabwe when taken as a whole, together with the listing and labelling disinformation tactics, reflect the US Government’s ‘Full Spectrum Global Dominance’ Foreign Policy intentions. Those intentions include the direct, and residual, social economic destabilization and life negating consequences of that policy strategic framework and tactics.
The Pan-African Movement condemns the imperial hubris, arrogance and criminality manifest and implicit in this practice that persists despite international condemnation and its violation of international law. Justice demands accountability and restitution by the US of America Government for being responsible for the detrimental, harmful social, economic impact on the lives, health and wellbeing of the people of Cuba and the entire region of the Caribbean generated by its policies and practices.
The Global Pan-African Movement, is well aware, however, that the historical solidarity of the Cuban people in support for nations and peoples struggling for economic freedom, social justice and political self-determination, in particular Cuba’s decisive and selfless support for the liberation of the African continent, and continuous cooperation and assistance for the progress and wellbeing of our peoples places the Cuban nation and government at odds with the protectors and custodians of the current global power and wealth world order. It puts them at odds with the foreign policy projections of USA-Global NATO imperialism.
Fully appreciating this we vociferously reiterate our call for popular mobilization within the global Pan African world and amongst the progressive, freedom loving and justice seeking peoples and nations of the world to persist at every opportunity and intensify our demand that Cuba be removed from the US government’s illegitimate and unilaterally determined list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism; And that the US government desist from its absurd and unjust siege and subversion tactics against sovereign states, in particular the unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade and harmful economic sanctions imposed on the Cuban people for 63 years.
One Struggle Many Fronts
Prof. Ikaweba Bunting (PhD)
Secretary General
Global Pan African Movement
(Cubavsbloqueo - The Global Pan African Movement)